Reduce stress at work & improve productivity
with mindfulness-based training

Line manager with mindfulness trainingI'm a leader: I want to...

Get tools and training for my employees to improve wellbeing.

Nuture good mental health in my business.

Explore how we can create a more mindful organisation.

No more stress at work!I'm an individual: I want to...

Make a simple start with mindfulness.

Take a full 6 or 8 week mindfulness course.

Join free webinars, get coaching or join retreats.

What our clients say

“Most trainees are managing stressful scenarios much better, and motivation is tangibly better. There’s a real buzz in the services, with those who’ve been trained informally helping others, so it’s made a significant difference already.”

Happy client of mindfulness training
Craig Cole
Head of Safety, Health, and Wellbeing
Action for Children

“Simon trained some of our senior lawyers and managers. We saw productivity and chargeable time increase by around 20%, contributing to our most profitable quarter yet - so it was great value, and helped us create a happier workplace.”

Law firm manager after reducing stress at work
Paul Clayton
HR Director
Capital Law and Capital People


 - averages from last 3 training cohorts


less stressed
& more focused


more productive
& creative


& better teams

over 4x

return on investment
in Y1 and 

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