Midlife and the menopause: what leaders need to know - a webinar with Katie Day

This webinar ran on December 10th 2019. Introduced by Simon Michaels.


Katie's email address: katie@rdp-int.com to sign up to her e-newsletter Midlife Matters and for anyone to register interest in the online programme once it’s live.

Details of the Midlife Sessions: http://rdp-int.com/index.php5?&pgid=74B

The Women’s Health Concern is the patient arm of the British Menopause Society and they offer a number of fact sheets: https://www.womens-health-concern.org/

The British Menopause Society: https://thebms.org.uk/ Women can go onto their home page, put in their post code and find a list of medical practitioners closest to them who are members of the BMS.